
Friday Funny – Teal’c vs. The Tree

We had workmen in our yard repairing our dog pen which left us with a quandary: How would we restrain the very guard dog whose pen they were repairing? Teal’c was a great guard dog. Any stranger in the yard was fair game. You could not claim his bark was worse than his bite. He did not bark.

The only solution we had was to chain him to the tree by his collar. He had shade. He had water. The kids went out and played with him now and then.

I think he thought he could pull over the tree and get loose. He really wanted to get loose.

He started out standing up and pulling against the tree, but eventually got tired and sat down. He sat this way for the better part of the afternoon, dare I say, doggedly trying to pull the tree over. We tried distraction. We tried redirection. Nothing worked. 

2011 02 23 09 37 19

(I hesitated to post this picture for fear of accusations of animal cruelty. That was not the case whatsoever. He really was that stubborn and tenacious. He’s the dog that figured out how to open the gate and let himself out of the dog pen – thus the need to make repairs on the pen. He then figured out how to open that gate. We finally installed a full-sized door with a latch he couldn’t reach and stopped our escape artist in his tracks.)

2 replies
  1. Anna Huckabee
    Anna Huckabee says:

    Sadly, he died three years ago of tick bourn disease :-(. That was a hard day. His daughter is just like him, though. Fearless, tenacious, smart, loyal. So are all her puppies.

    Teal’c stories will go down in family lore. There’s the time he got out of the gate to our house and ran down a motorcycle taxi. The man very wisely stopped while Teal’c held him in the middle of the road during a rain storm. When I got out there with a leash, Teal’c doggie grinned up at me like “Look what I caught!”


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