One of my least favorite chores to complete as we prepare to leave for Uganda (or while prepping to come back for furlough) is packing. I dread it. I lose sleep over it. I agonize over every packing decision. Every piece of luggage must be exactly 50 pounds AND the items inside must be balanced so they can’t jostle around and break or be damaged.
Last furlough, I didn’t start our final packing until two weeks before our departure date. I didn’t finish it until early the morning we left. It was miserable.
This time, I started packing in January. I ended up redoing part of that packing in March. My poor husband has worked with me and provided moral support and packing encouragement. He helps with the packing, too. He’ll lift the pieces onto the scale and off for me and then helps me rearrange until things are just right. At least I hope they are just right. I guess we’ll see.
In the midst of all this, we had one more trip to take. Part of me resented it. I have so much to do to get ready, it just seemed like a huge interruption. At the same time, there were several things I looked forward to about the trip. It’s hard for me, a goal oriented person, to switch my focus from goals to people.
I’m so glad I did.
This trip has been great. I got to spend over a week with my best friend, Rachel Miller, and her church. (I didn’t get any pictures. 🙁 )
We got to spend a few days with some dear friends from Uganda whom we haven’t seen in over a year.
I got to see Mt. St. Helens! I’ve always wanted to see it. The weather was perfect when we drove in to see our friends and we were able to get good pictures of its south side. Some day we’re going to come back and spend more time hiking in the area.
Our friends took us hiking on Smith Rock and we had a blast.
As we drove across Montana on our way to Oregon, we passed through heavy rain storms. We came out of the storm in the mountains. It was still pouring rain on us and the brilliant sun caught the raindrops and formed a double rainbow.
Sometimes in life, we need to step back, take a breath, and enjoy the little things, rainbows, mountains, time with friends, coffee breaks, good books. The things that need to get done will get done.
Someday we won’t remember the to-do list we accomplished, but we will remember the time spent with those we love.
Today we woke to snow flurries! We’ve gotten a little of everything on this trip.