Entries by Anna



It’s that time of year again! NaNoWriMo started today and goes through the end of the month. I love NaNoWriMo. I look forward to it and plan for it all year. My first NaNoWriMo was technically in 2008. I barely wrote 20,000 words. In fact, I don’t know if I even created a novel on […]


Pizza! (part 1)

Pizza has been a Huckabee family tradition since…well, for so long I can’t remember it not being a tradition. We have only rarely missed our weekly pizza night, usually through no fault of our own. When we were in New York City, we found a true New York style pizza place, complete with brick oven […]


A few weeks ago I posted a blog entry about 9/11. I told how we’d visited the site for the Freedom Tower back in 2006. A few days ago, we got to return to New York City and see the now complete Tower in person. It did not disappoint! We took our children to the […]

A Riot of Color

One of the things we missed the most when we first moved to Africa was the changing of the seasons from summer to fall. We didn’t miss the cooler temps. We didn’t miss the shorter days and longer nights. We didn’t miss winter’s imminent approach. We missed the changing color of the leaves. The explosion […]

Life’s a Beach

I love the beach. Any beach. Just give me sun, sand, sea breezes, and the ocean spread before me with its rolling waves. Beaches figure in at least two of the books I’ve written so far. Last furlough, a pastor we knew from deputation contacted us. He’d changed churches, was pastoring in Florida, and wanted […]


You may or may not have noticed the two week hiatus from the blog and my Facebook page. Why the long break? Because, dear reader, I was visiting my best friend!!! 😀 As I mentioned in my post about my writing history, Rachel Miller and I have been friends for a LONG time. Almost our […]

We Must Never Forget

September 11, 2001 James was working second shift. As usual, he hadn’t gotten home from work until around 11:30PM on September 10.  Our oldest sons, James and John, were 6 months old. September 11, I got up early with them to feed them, then put them down for a nap and went back to bed. […]


Friday Funny

Every now and then in Uganda we’ll see a sign and think “I don’t think that means what you think it means.” Today’s funny is from a sign in Kampala along two main roads through town. (Honestly, I haven’t been past this intersection for years so I don’t know if the sign is still there […]

I Am a Missionary

I’ve had people ask “Why Africa?” or “How did you end up in Uganda?” I thought you, dear reader, might enjoy hearing a recounting of that tale. I was saved at a very young age during VBS at our church. I realized that I had sinned and that Jesus died for me. That night during […]