Entries by Anna


Friday Funny

I’m pretty sure this is not why I eat. 😀 This little restaurant was tucked back between High Street and Mackansigh Street in our town. I never ate there but we occasionally bought aloe vera juice from them. They sold the same food as all the other restaurants in town but with things like fruit […]


Keep a Journal

Hello. My name is Anna and I am an addict. A journal addict. I got my first diary when I was ten. I’ve sporadically journaled ever since. Sometimes I’d get busy and not do anything for a few years, then I’d pick it up again and fill notebooks with words. I heard about this new […]


Friday Funny

I’ve never been brave enough to try this Chinese tea we can get in Africa. Its name seems contradictory. Noxious emissions beauty keeping tea? How does that work exactly? Product placement being what it is, I found it ironic these two were shelved together. Seems one is designed to make noxious emissions and the other […]

Hello again

Hello? Hello? Anyone there? It’s me. Anna.  I’m finally back from hiatus. Why the hiatus? Let me explain. I had grand hopes for the year. Blog posts I wanted to write. Series of posts. I tried, really I did. But the internet got to be such a hostile place, I needed a break. So I […]


52 books in 52 weeks

When my kids were all little I got away from reading real live adult chapter books. I wished I could read them. I even started a few. But after weeks of not reading them, I’d have to start over again to remember what was going on (I have a terrible memory!) and I normally just […]

Happy New Year!

After a month-long hiatus in which everyone in our family managed to get sick, some more than once, and we ran around to various church and family gatherings, I’m back to blogging! NaNoWriMo was strenuous this year since it was jammed in there with all the other travel and school and jobs and holidays and […]


Friday Funny

Yesterday, we saw a portion of an infomercial while we were with my in-laws for Thanksgiving. It was for something called “Booty Firm”. Personally, I go for squats, lunges, and jogging instead of some exercise machine, but whatever works for you. It put me in mind of this sign we saw around Mbarara for a […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

A few days ago James and I picked up turkeys at the grocery store. I put one of them in the fridge to thaw so I could cook it for our family. It sat there for a couple days. I knew it had to be thawed, but I put off getting it out and “cleaning […]

Votes for Women

I joke with my husband that I was a suffragette in another life. In all seriousness, though, I do not take my voting rights for granted. I first voted in a presidential election in 1996. Because of a class I was to take, I had to vote absentee. That event set the tone for my […]